Friday 20 October 2017


The speech starts.

Me :Before introducing myself i would like to welcome the “Greatest person ever born on this planet” .( Audience thinking about all the greatest personalities in the world. )

Me : The title was given by or i can say it was accredited by , affiliated by some supreme power.
 (Audience bewildered)

Me : Before he comes to the stage i want everyone to close your eyes.  (Frustrated, they close their eyes)

Me: Slowly open your eyes, i know you must be confused that there’s no new entity or gentleman on the stage. But that great person is me, I know that’s an overstatement but think if you consider yourself as great , you would readily accomplish the thing you want , you desire.
(The whole audience roaring with the round of applause)

Light it up!

The sky engulfed by the reflection of lights.
The exhilaration of celebration reflected by the face.
New clothes,new hope adorned the beauty of body and mind respectively.
If a festival is potent to do this, "Har din tyohar ho".(Everyday be a festival).

What should i add?

The inner fire extinguished by the hallucination of reality.
But the man thought of an idea which is still reminiscing,ravishing the human race which made the fire refuse to loose it's enlightenment.
He discovered certain ingredients which if dissolved by any storm irrespective of the magnitude,
makes the hallucination neutral not affecting the fire of soul.
The news flashed all across the globe elating the face of people.
Entire human race was at the door step of the man, standing greedy asking for ingredient,the magic formula.
He vehemently replied Self-belief.


Vivacious was the only adjective that struck his mind when he saw her, that stricken reminds him of the earth dawn by the meteors. His judgmental adjective holds true after knowing her for years. He fell for the most cliché feeling in this world called Love. The vocal cords were not responding, he thought a pen would help him, when she asked him “why do you love me?’. He was besieged by many thoughts which were so entangled, very difficult to let them free. The only thing he could do is to hug and make her hear his palpitations which would eventually answer her question. They smiled. Down the line he understood that time is potent which made him shoe and her lace, as she braced his soul enduringly in spite of not knowing how to tie how her own shoes duly.

Sunday 18 June 2017

Tenacious is the word of the day or my life. 
Having firm hold on something, that would make me jubilant or an attempt to make my life clear because to call it messier would make me a pessimist.
Keeping my status as "Adamantine" didn't help me. I guess this is the magic of life that gives you all possible signs or omens makes sure that you meet your purpose.
If people being judgmental is their only thing that would make me depressed as i have let down their convictions or most importantly myself. BUT writing realised my dream of expressing myself.
But i would not conclude here.
Thank you. 
P.S- i know the image above is not quiet relatable but profoundly shows that he got what he loves.