Saturday 3 December 2016

An Engine  taught me many things!
Mostly a motorcycle engine.

In life you should be like a spark plug, you should never leave an opportunity . When you get a chance just give your 100percent at right time, this may mold your future into better shape. As spark plug does it,  when it gets air and fuel mixture it just gives a spark and produces power!.

To be like a Dry clutch or wet clutch?
It's your personal choice.

If you tend to become like a wet clutch you just need less maintenance and you have a long running period , you work more , you are more stable but when you break down it takes the  time to be back in pieces.
Dry clutch is more familiar to your life , you need to stop and just think is it working properly?
The period of a stop makes you  think properly, less drag to your engine or your life. You are back in shape faster!


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