Thursday 22 March 2018

Let's visit there!

The burning sun turned my skin red, a one more time use of handkerchief to the face would have made it entirely transparent. Finally, the bus to my office route arrived. Well, not surprised with the public transport punctuality! The yellow sponge beneath the seat cover was more revealing than yesterday. But, couldn’t miss out my window seat. Playing my daily playlist which summed up to the approximate journey time to the office. Sometimes missing out “Imagine dragons” because of the exact time arrival. Leaping out of the bus and walking few steps away, made me stand in front of my office building.

Leaving the city of wisdom and living in the city of dreams was quite a transformation for me. Whenever I saw an old lady walking down the streets I could remember my evening walk with my grandma. Sometimes, a scowling between Amit and his Dad would make me miss the arguments. But, I was glad that vadapav tastes better here.

A five-storied building where each floor was occupied by individual companies who were striving hard to make their place in Forbes 500 at least. I ushered into the building and then pressed the level 3 button in the elevator to take me to my office floor. Scanning my thumb, I scurried inside. A morning greeting to each and every one was not difficult here. Sitting inside a box-like structure, where salary was given to me to think out of the box. Sitting on an ergonomically designed chair, as my boss explained it yesterday, I pressed the white power button of yellow CPU, which imposed my mind to think about my school dress combination.

A famous Windows wallpaper which consists of green plains all over and maybe depicting a sunny day was on my computer screen. I opened the mailbox and there was a mail stating my today’s To-Do list. As I was back on the desktop, a change of wallpaper was something unexpected as I never played with the desktop properties. I probed my eyes, an unusual scenario on the screen was taking place. The sunny day was getting replaced by the night, full of stars. The green plains observed a man lying on it, enjoying the shimmering sky. Within a few seconds, he stood up and entangled his fingers together, staring a strolling star across the sky. I rubbed my eyes to get back from the augmented reality. But, the next thing that came into the picture was the green plains were giving birth to many horizontal concrete blocks. Every concrete block had a name engraved on it. Well, the man who was praying to the star was in front of the block. He placed a flower on it and a gentle smile crossed his face. “Dude, what’s wrong with you?’’. my boss patted him. “Nothing, was searching for some files”, I answered. The short film made me perplexed about what just had happened. An extra task appeared on my to-do list. At the end of day, a checklist to all of them, except the decoding of scenario made me lose my mind.

I pressed the bell and my roommate was on the door, greeting me. But, nothing in return would have made him quite baffled. I scurried toward my room, placed my bag and jumped on the bed. “Let’s write down every scenario of the movie on the page and decipher it”, I thought. After an hour or two I jumped out of the bed and hugged my roommate and finally slept.

The birds chirping and the sun rays creeping in from the railing made me wide awake. Refreshing my mouth, I engrossed in a thought of writing a blog about the yesterday scenario. I finally started jotting down every frame of the short movie, distinctly. The man, the green plain, the glinting sky, the change of landscape into a graveyard and a weird smile in the end. The story continued with the explanation of man who was enjoying his present, so-called living in the moment and the sudden breakthrough of a star in the sky made him wish for the good future. But in all this, you miss out the past.  Perhaps, because the world says to bury the past and never look over it. The weird smile and placing of a flower were giving a birth to a new meaning. A visit to the buried past, similarly to a weekly visit to the loved ones in the cemetery would conceive rejoice, as it will help you to introspect everything in your life and will evolve you as a person. So, you should certainly owe a debt of gratitude. With the title “Let’s visit there!” and inserting an appropriate face for the blog I posted it on every social website, which acted as a tranquilizer to my soul.  “Dude, are you not getting late by any chance”, my roommate blurted out from the living room. “I hope that the bus maintains its punctuality as every day!”, I smirked.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

My School Crush

“All Indians are my brothers and sisters…”, the whole assembly blurted out. “Except her”, my mind whispered. Standing in the queue, while me leading it because of my shortest height in the class. The usual blab by principal stating how discipline is important in our life. At the end of her lecture, a forceful movement of head upside-down with a compliment of applaud was our usual morning chores. “Head toward your respective classes with no talking in corridors”, last command by our principal before the assembly adjournment. Entering my class first and waiting for her to enter the class was my usual routine. There she enters the class, with the usual laugh on her face and my god I need to admit that my face turned red with the smile wide enough to cross the boundaries of my face. A hand wave by me and vice versa finally completed my morning chores. Sitting on the front bench of the class, well it was fair enough as I had to stand up and copy another half of the blackboard if I sat on the back benches. While she sitting in the mid-benches of the row, of course, she was taller than me maybe by an inch or a two. Her brown eyes her scintillating nature always gave my eyes a delightful view. Suddenly movements of moving my head around trying accidentally to struck my eyes with her and end up giving a weird smile. Always successful to impress my subject teachers, when teacher distributed answer papers, I always end up bragging my marks to the whole world, But, staring her straight into eyes disappeared my level of awesomeness and eventually kept me grounded. That was magic of adolescence or something else, I realized it later. Last year in school together but I didn’t have the audacity to ask her to fill my scrapbook. Because perhaps I could see affection in her eyes for someone. Later on, my audacity to not give up on my crush turned to love, drafted a new whole plot in the story of my life.