Tuesday 6 February 2018

What a day!

A sunny day when you look at the sky but have to put on the pullover because the sun doesn’t bother you with heat. That day after coming from my zumba classes full of sweat and contentment in my heart as this had kept me close to my interest- a bit of dancing while a benefit to my health looking over my parents only interest. Sitting on the couch, sipping my electrolytes and changing over the music channels i hear dad talking to someone on phone, “ Okay i will be there”,dad envisaged and dismissed the call. 

“Hey i got to go over some stupid meeting and i’ll be back by afternoon so take charge of the shop for today”, he abhorred. A vehement yes from  me and the joy deep inside me which had to be suppressed because a sign of adolescence would have changed his mind. My dad gives me the key, the key of his shop. The feeling of responsibility or an adrenaline rush felt by most of the Marwadi- Gujarati kid who just step out of his teenage life for business felt by me eventually at the end of the day I didn’t need a pullover as the zeal inside me was enough to keep me warm.

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